Strict Standards: Declaration of Doku_Renderer_metadata::table_open() should be compatible with Doku_Renderer::table_open($maxcols = NULL, $numrows = NULL, $pos = NULL) in
/www/htdocs/w0058247/chinchilla-scientia/inc/parser/metadata.php on line
Strict Standards: Declaration of Doku_Renderer_metadata::table_close() should be compatible with Doku_Renderer::table_close($pos = NULL) in
/www/htdocs/w0058247/chinchilla-scientia/inc/parser/metadata.php on line
Alpen-Grasmehl 30 %, Apfeltrester 20 %, Haferflocken 20 %, Weizenquellmehl 18 %, Hefe 1 %
Rohprotein 14,9 %, Rohfett 4,7 %, Rohasche 5,1 %, Rohfaser 14,3 %
je kg: Vitamin E (als Alpha-Tocopherolacetat) 2.500 mg, Vitamin K1 500 mg, Vitamin C 10.000 mg, Beta-Carotin 500 mg, Vitamin D3 500 I.E., Kupfer 5 mg, Zink (als Aminosäure-Zinkchelat, Hydrat) 13.000 mg, Selen 2 mg