Diskussion:Sekai Kyusei Kyo

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Okada also founded Sekai Kyusei Kyo, a religious organization in Japan, intending “to create paradise on earth by eradicating disease, poverty, and conflict.”

[Mokichi Okada] stated that “the principle of Kyusei Nature Farming is to learn from the great power of nature, which is beyond human understanding, and to allow the power of the soil to be fully exhibited by taking good care of the soil.”

Quelle: Teruo Higa: Effective Microorganisms: A Biotechnology for Mankind. http://infrc.or.jp/knf/PDF%20KNF%20Conf%20Data/C1-2-001.pdf

--davX Literatur 23:55, 27. Dez 2023 (CET)

5 Requirements

Die 5 Anforderungen an die Natürliche Landwirtschaft nach Okada sind:

1. Herstellen von hochwertiger Nahrung um die menschliche Gesundheit zu erhalten und zu verbessern.

The first requirement, “to produce superior food for maintaining and improving human health,” is based on the idea that one’s health depends on the safety and quality of food consumed throughout a lifetime. Various medical problems today can be related to the quality of food consumed. It is clear that agricultural methods which depend on chemical fertilizers and agricultural chemicals cannot solve this problem.

As far as the first requirement is concerned, it has been fully proved that organic agriculture and conventional nature farming satisfy it. Except for a few special cases, however, these farming methods in their present state cannot be extended to agriculture as a whole and still be economically beneficial to both producers and consumers, partly because of the problem of obtaining enough organic substances.

2. Erzeugen von wirtschaftlichem und spirituellem Nutzen sowohl für Produzenten, als auch für Konsumenten.

The second requirement is “to bring economic and spiritual benefit to both producers and consumers.” Although farmers are well aware of the negative effects of using chemical fertilizers and agricultural chemicals, they have no other choices. When farmers cannot take pride in producing high quality food, agricultural production and marketing systems will decline. Furthermore, consumers can truly enjoy eating, which is the root of health and well-being, only if they have safe food.

3. Die Praktiken sind für alle umsetzbar und sie sind nachhaltig.

The third requirement is “to be practiced by anybody and to be sustainable.” Since growing crops is the basis of life, a farming method cannot secure the foundation of human existence unless it can be practiced by everyone. If it requires its practioners to learn the complicated names of pesticides and fertilizers, or if it requires special training or special machines, only a limited number of people will adopt and apply a particular farming method . Such a situation will clearly produce new crises of world peace, as can be seen from the food production strategies of many developed countries. The requirement of sustainability is obvious. Satisfying it together with the second requirement leads to an agriculture which can be continued with pride, and which may also solve many of the problems which agriculture faces today.

4. Land/Natur bewahren und die Umwelt schützen.

The fourth requirement is “to conserve nature and to responsibly protect the environment.” The abuse of chemical fertilizers and agricultural chemicals pollutes not only fields but also rivers, the sea, and other environments, and is directly related to environmental pollution on a global scale. Such agriculture incausing a boomerang effect, and can be said to be suicidal. It is a known fact that the everlasting existence of mankind cannot be sustained without conserving natural resources and protecting the environment. However, there are few agricultural systems which can truly satisfy this requirement. On a global scale, environmental safeguards include prevention of increased atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, destruction of the ozone layer, and desertification of fragile lands.

5. Verantwortungsbewusst genug Nahrung für eine steigende Weltbevölkerung herstellen.

The fifth and ultimate requirement is “to responsibly produce enough food for the increasing world population.” Although it is extremely difficult to perfectly satisfy even one of the first four requirements, Kyusei Nature Farming, as intended by Okada, must fundamentally solve the problem of food supply and human health, in addition to satisfying the other four requirements. Some people assert, that it is only idealism. It is impossible to achieve it in reality. The only way to solve these problems is to control the world population and to establish stricter environmental standards. While such measures should also be taken, Kyusei Nature Farming cannot be the one Okada advocated unless it satisfies these requirements.

Um diese 5 Anforderungen zu erfüllen bedarf es folgende Bedingungen:

  • Boden in einen Nährstoffspeicher verwandeln, mittels einer Technik, die Bodenfruchtbarkeit und die für die Pflanzen verfügbaren Nährstoffe verbessert.
  • Umsetzen einer Technik, durch die der Boden wie ein erfahrener Arbeiter mit der Zeit mehr und mehr Feldfrüchte produziert.
  • Den Boden nicht verschmutzen und dem Boden erlauben, dass er sein volles Potenzial entfalten kann und er Krankheiten und Insektenschädlinge hemmen kann.

Diese Bedingungen führen zu einer paradiesischer Landwirtschaft, die kein Pflügen und andere arbeitsintensive Arbeiten erfordert.

Kyusei Nature Farming, wie es von Okada gelehrt wird, ist kein Natürliches Landwirtschaftssystem das keine Arbeit erfordert und die ganze Arbeit der Natur überlässt. Es unterscheidet sich auf fundamental vom biologischen Anbau, welcher in der Rückkehr zu einer traditionellen Landwirtschaft ohne Kunstdünger und ohne Pestizide eine neue Landwirtschaftsmethode sucht. Etwas weiter gefasst können die Anforderungen von Okadas Kyusei Nature Farming sowohl mit der Natürlichen Landwirtschaft, als auch mit dem biologischen Anbau erfüllt werden. Wir müssen feststellen, dass in der bisherigen Natürlichen Landwirtschaft viele Fehler, Missverständnisse, Anschuldigungen und Kritik gegeben hat, da damit verbundene Probleme falsch verstanden wurde und es keine Versuche gab, diese zu beheben.

Based on Okada’s philosophy, research has been conducted over the past 50 years. However, it was difficult to exceed the level of organic agriculture, and it has become clear that we now need a technical system which is fundamentally different from conventional agricultural techniques. You may wonder if soil can be made a storehouse of nutrients, allowing consecutive plantings, and if crops can be cultivated economically without plowing soil and without using chemical fertilizers and agricultural chemicals. It is extremely difficult with conventional agricultural techniques or with its extensions.

Quelle: Teruo Higa: Effective Microorganisms: A Biotechnology for Mankind. http://infrc.or.jp/knf/PDF%20KNF%20Conf%20Data/C1-2-001.pdf

--davX Literatur 17:45, 28. Dez 2023 (CET)

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