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Kohlenhydratverdauung der Chinchillas

   Degupedia-Forum » Tierernährung und Pflanzen » Kohlenhydratverdauung der Chinchillas Alle Zeiten sind GMT + 2 Stunden
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Anmeldungsdatum: 08.06.2004
Beiträge: 8494
Wohnort: Schweiz

BeitragVerfasst am: 09.03.2013 00:14    Titel: Kohlenhydratverdauung der Chinchillas Antworten mit Zitat


die Verdauung ist ein interessantes und umfangreiches Themengebiet. Auch wenn die groben Zusammenhänge mehr oder weniger bekannt und vertraut sind, lohnt sich doch der genauere Blick in die Details.

Nun sind die Kohlenhydrate insbesondere für pflanzenfressende Kleinsäuger interessant, da es Bedenken gibt gegenüber stärkereicher Nahrung. Da wäre ein genauerer Einblick in dieses Thema interessant, da Hintergrundwissen vielleicht dazu beitragen könnte, die bisher bestehenden Beobachtungen, Vermutungen und Theorien besser einzuordnen.

Seit einiger Zeit schwirrt mir jetzt schon so eine Quelle vor, sie handelt von der Kohlenhydratverdauung der Chinchillas. Nur mit der Beschaffung ist es so eine Sache... immerhin man findet den Abstract im Internet:



The activity of maltase, sucrase, and lactase in the alimentary tract of adult chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) was found to be maximal in the middle third of the small intestine and absent in the stomach and large intestine. Intestinal sucrase and maltase and pancreatic amylase were low at birth but increased to adult levels after 12 weeks. Lactase reached a peak activity at 2 weeks of age and dropped sharply at 3 weeks to the low levels found in the adult.Using chromic oxide as the marker, it was found that the rate at which pelleted feed passes through the digestive tract of the chinchilla was about 35 h. The extent of cellulose degradation and dry matter digestibility in chinchilla fed pellets was 47.5 and 68.4%, while in those fed hay and pellets it was 48.9 and 57.9% respectively. Cellulose was digested mostly in the large intestine with the production of volatile fatty acids at a concentration of 0.492–0.547 meq/g of dry contents. The molar percent composition of acetic, propionic, and butyric acids in the cecal contents was 72.2, 11.3, and 14.1% respectively.

C. R. Krishnamurti, W. D. Kitts, Diana C. Smith (1974): The digestion of carbohydrates in the chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera). Canadian Journal of Zoology 52(10): 1227-1233, doi:10.1139/z74-163 (Abstract)

Nun gut, es weckte mein Interesse und siehe da, eine kurze Recherche fand ich dann zumindest ein weiteres Puzzlestück, zwar nein, an die Studie komme ich vorerst nicht ran, aber dafür fand ich eine Master-Thesis:



Carbohydrase activity in the chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) was investigated from birth to post-weaning. Crude homogenates of the small intestinal wall and pancreas were prepared in order to study intestinal lactase, maltase and sucrase, and pancreatic amylase. The study was based on the assumption that, at different stages of growth, the carbohydrase levels reflect the ability of the animal to utilize specific carbohydrates.

Small intestinal lactase activity was highest from birth to three weeks of age, at which time it decreased sharply reaching the fairly constant low levels found in the post-weaned animal by four weeks.

Maltase activity at birth was appreciable, increas- ing significantly at four weeks of age and attaining maximum levels by twelve weeks of age. The adult animal retained this high activity.

In contrast to maltase, sucrase activity was negli- gible at birth and did not increase significantly until five weeks of age, at which time a steady increase was noted to the adult levels attained by the'twelve week oldanimal.

Pancreatic amylase was similarly negligible at birth. The highest increase in activity occurred between three and eight weeks at a time when intestinal lactase activity was decreasing. This also corresponded to the time of most rapid increase in maltase activity.

The digestion of more complex carbohydrates was also investigated in the adult chinchilla. Cellulose, com- prising 18.7$ of a pelleted ration, was 54$ digestible, the main sites of cellulose breakdown being the cecum and large intestine. Total volatile fatty acids (VFA) throughout the alimentary tract of animals on a normal ranch ration of pellets and hay. were quantitated, as were the individual acids. The cecum and large intestine were the only sites of VFA production, while the low levels found in the stomach were attributed to coprophagy.

Smith, D.C. (1970): Carbohydrate digestion in the chinchilla. Master Thesis, University of British Columbia. 82 S.

Resistente Stärke
Schliesslich möchte ich hier noch etwas einwerfen, dem ich bisher noch gar nicht nachgegangen bin. Um es vorweg zu nehmen, ich bin etwas skeptisch, aber es klingt doch interessant: "Resistente Stärke" nennt es sich, es sollen Stärkebestandteile sein, welche aufgrund unterschiedlicher Eigenschaften nur unvollständig verdaut werden können und dann im Dickdarm von Mikroorganismen weiter verdaut werden und in Form von flüchtigen Fettsäuren (SCFA, VFA) über den Dickdarm aufgenommen werden:
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Es preciso conocer el nombre de las plantas para que podamos salutarlas y ellas nos saluden a nosotros. GOETHE

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